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Canvas Artwork Miami
Experience the beauty and enchantment of the Miami sunrise with Scarfig Arts' "2018-2019 Lights - An Artistic Journey to Illuminate Your Life" painting series. Inspired by the perfect synchrony of day and night, these paintings reflect the colors and lights of dawn reflected in the ocean at Miami's beaches. The main goal of "Lights" is to create visual effects that immerse the viewers into the art, spreading light into their daily lives. This year, Scarfig Arts stepped out of their comfort zone and utilized various techniques and materials resulting in abstract, geometric, minimalist, and futuristic compositions featuring vibrant colors, textures, and metallic tones. Transform your space into a more inspiring and welcoming environment with a piece of the "Lights" series. Order your exclusive artwork today and enjoy the enchanting beauty of the Miami sunrise every day.
"Arte Lights 2018-2019 - Todos os passos para o caminho da luz". Este é o nome escolhido para representar a série de pinturas criadas em 2018-2019. De maio a novembro de 2018, visitei regularmente as praias de Miami para assistir ao nascer do sol. Os primeiros raios de luz me ajudaram a aprofundar meus estudos sobre a paleta de cores do céu e as luzes do amanhecer refletidas no oceano. Esse cenário inspirador me levou a criar "Luzes". "Há um momento durante o dia em que é dia e noite ao mesmo tempo". Graças à perfeita sincronia da natureza, quando metade do dia é claro e a outra metade é escura, pude intensificar meu conhecimento e experiências na produção dessas pinturas.
O objetivo principal desta série é criar efeitos visuais entre conjuntos de luzes, induzindo os espectadores por meio da imersão artística. Essas peças destinam-se a espalhar luz em sua vida diária. Este ano, consegui sair da minha zona de conforto em termos de técnicas e materiais utilizados durante o processo criativo. Por exemplo, na série "Universo Paralelo - Um Convite à sua Imaginação", as peças são principalmente em acrílico preto e branco e tinta da Índia. Desta vez, a evolução do trabalho destaca a presença proeminente de cores vibrantes, texturas e tons metálicos levando a uma composição que segue um estilo abstrato, geométrico, minimalista e futurista.
Adquira agora sua obra de arte "Luzes" e sinta a emoção de ter um pedaço da beleza e encantamento do nascer do sol em sua casa ou escritório. Com "Luzes", você terá a oportunidade de transformar seu ambiente em um lugar ainda mais inspirador e acolhedor. Não perca mais tempo e garanta agora sua obra de arte exclusiva!
Artistic Portraits
The Lucky Guy - Romero Britto tribute
Artistic Portraits
Sweet Tati
Looking for a unique and personalized portrait of your beloved? Look no further than Scarfig Arts! As a solo artist, I specialize in creating custom portraits of your loved one that capture their essence and personality. Simply provide me with a photo, and I will transform it into a one-of-a-kind work of art that showcases their unique features and characteristics. Whether you prefer a bold and colorful design or a more subtle and realistic approach, I work closely with you to bring your vision to life on canvas. Contact me today to commission a custom portrait of your loved one that you can cherish for a lifetime.
Portraits on demand
Man best friend
Looking for a personalized and unique pet portrait that captures the essence of your furry friend? Scarfig Arts has got you covered! As a solo artist, I specialize in creating custom, stylized portraits of pets using geometric abstract designs. Simply send me a photo of your pet, and I will transform it into a one-of-a-kind masterpiece that showcases their unique personality and characteristics. Whether you prefer bold and colorful designs or more subtle and realistic renderings, I work closely with you to bring your vision to life on canvas. Contact me today to commission a custom pet portrait that you'll treasure for years to come.
My portrait paintings combine both artistic and geometric elements, resulting in a unique and eye-catching piece that captures the essence of the subject. By playing with shape and color, I create portraits that are not only aesthetically pleasing but also showcase the personality and spirit of the individual.
Each portrait is created with attention to detail, incorporating both traditional and modern techniques to produce a piece that is both timeless and contemporary. Whether it's a portrait of a loved one or a beloved celebrity, my paintings are a perfect addition to any space looking to add a touch of personality and style.
With my artistic and geometric portraits, you'll have a one-of-a-kind piece that celebrates the beauty and individuality of the human form. Whether you're looking for a unique gift or a statement piece for your home or office, my portrait paintings are sure to impress.
Artist Bio
Carlos Figueiredo, SCARFIG
Carlos Figueiredo SCARFIG, self-taught artist, born in the countryside of São Paulo, is a Miami resident.
His floating roots allow him to wander in search of environments that add to his art. The “traveler” artist brings mixed techniques, op-style works, art and minimalism in his portfolio. Because of the use of symbology in his art , viewers are lead to a deep reflection.
The author introduces a game between contrasts, balance and strength, voracity and stillness. In his work, he reveals the possibility to present a psychedelic experience while appreciating an upscale art piece.The artist moves between techniques and universes, from poet to graffiti artist, sculptor and photographer, actor to designer. His goal is, with each new artistic experimentation, becoming the ultimate achiever.
Carlos produces as an inherent need for his existence, his guideline is the spirituality that transcends, transposes, creates, deconstructs and recreates; The divine and the mundane.
His latest works reflect the attention to detail, the use of geometry and symbolism, leading to a concept full of meaning in a minimalist style.
Many of the pieces were made using high contrasts to create optical illusions.His passion for traveling and experiencing new cultures around the world inspired him to play with colors, lights and life.
The beauty of this collection lies in the challenge of making the viewer feel each of the places portrayed by his work. He uses mixed techniques to create unique experiences full of textures, dimensions, colors and details that allows individuals to enter and experience his world through their eyes.These key elements are shown in his series Lights, 2018-2019 produced and dedicated to the cities of Miami and Miami Beach.
Carlos Figueiredo SCARFIG é um artista autodidata nascido no interior de São Paulo e residente em Miami. Ele traz em seu portfólio técnicas mistas, obras op-art e minimalismo, além do uso de simbologia em suas peças. Seu trabalho apresenta um jogo entre contrastes, equilíbrio e força, e muitas vezes cria ilusões de ótica. Sua paixão por viajar e experimentar novas culturas em todo o mundo inspira suas obras, que desafiam os espectadores a sentir as emoções de cada lugar retratado. Sua mais recente série, "Lights 2018-2019", dedicada às cidades de Miami e Miami Beach, reflete sua atenção aos detalhes e ao uso de geometria e simbolismo em um estilo minimalista.
Parallel Universe 2017-2018"A treat for the imagination"
Discover the stunning and captivating art of Carlos Figueiredo SCARFIG, a self-taught artist born in the countryside of São Paulo and now a resident of Miami. With a passion for travel and a love of mixed techniques, op-style works, and minimalism, Carlos brings a unique perspective to each of his pieces. His use of symbolism and contrasts invites viewers to reflect deeply and experience a range of emotions.
From poet to graffiti artist, sculptor to photographer, actor to designer, Carlos is a true master of his craft. His latest works showcase an attention to detail and use of geometry and symbolism, resulting in a minimalist style with layers of meaning. Many of his pieces play with high contrasts to create optical illusions, drawing the viewer into his world.
Carlos' love for traveling and experiencing new cultures around the world shines through in his work. He uses mixed techniques to create unique experiences full of textures, dimensions, colors, and details, allowing individuals to enter and experience his world through their eyes.
Don't miss out on the opportunity to own a piece of Carlos' latest series, "Lights 2018-2019," dedicated to the cities of Miami and Miami Beach. This collection embodies the beauty of these iconic locations and challenges viewers to feel each of the places portrayed through his work. Add a touch of artistry and wonder to your space with Carlos Figueiredo SCARFIG's stunning artwork.
Conheça a arte de Carlos Figueiredo SCARFIG, um artista autodidata nascido no interior de São Paulo e agora residente em Miami. Com uma paixão por viagens e amor por técnicas mistas, obras de estilo op e minimalismo, Carlos traz uma perspectiva única para cada uma de suas peças. Seu uso de simbolismo e contrastes convida os espectadores a refletirem profundamente e experimentarem uma variedade de emoções.De poeta a grafiteiro, escultor a fotógrafo, ator a designer, Carlos é um verdadeiro mestre em sua arte. Suas últimas obras demonstram uma atenção aos detalhes e uso de geometria e simbolismo, resultando em um estilo minimalista com camadas de significado. Muitas de suas peças brincam com altos contrastes para criar ilusões óticas, atraindo o espectador para o seu mundo.
O amor de Carlos por viajar e experimentar novas culturas ao redor do mundo brilha em sua obra. Ele usa técnicas mistas para criar experiências únicas cheias de texturas, dimensões, cores e detalhes, permitindo que as pessoas entrem e experimentem seu mundo através de seus próprios olhos.
Não perca a oportunidade de possuir uma peça da mais recente série de Carlos, "Lights 2018-2019", dedicada às cidades de Miami e Miami Beach. Esta coleção incorpora a beleza desses locais icônicos e desafia os espectadores a sentirem cada um dos lugares retratados em sua obra. Adicione um toque de arte e maravilha ao seu espaço com a deslumbrante obra de arte de Carlos Figueiredo SCARFIG.Featured on
Step into the world of Carlos Figueiredo SCARFIG through the "Featured On" section. This space highlights the artist's success and recognition in the art world, with features in prominent publications such as Artforum and exhibitions in prestigious galleries like the Galerie d'Art Contemporain. SCARFIG's innovative and impactful work has gained attention and admiration from art enthusiasts and professionals alike.
Entre no mundo de Carlos Figueiredo SCARFIG por meio da seção "Featured On". Este espaço destaca o sucesso e o reconhecimento do artista no mundo da arte, com destaque em publicações importantes, como a Artforum, e exposições em galerias prestigiosas, como a Galerie d'Art Contemporain. O trabalho inovador e impactante de SCARFIG tem ganhado atenção e admiração tanto de entusiastas quanto de profissionais da arte.
Sao Paulo Brasil 2021
PROGRAMA TE CONVIDO TV - com Roberto Rabello
Curadoria Catia Ferreira Arq.
SANTOS ARQUIDECOR - CURATED by Catia FerreiraGlobo.comSCARFIG ARTS as seen on TV : Anderson Nogueira / Outback
Sao Paulo Brasil 2021
TV - com Anderson Nogueira
Curadoria Catia Ferreira Arq.
Art Basel Miami 2019
Events throughout Miami. From exclusive parties to public exhibitions, my pieces were displayed and admired by art enthusiasts from around the world. It was a unique experience to be able to connect with so many people and share my passion for art on such a grand scale.
Durante a Art Basel Week em 2019, tive a oportunidade de exibir minhas obras de arte em vários eventos em toda Miami. De festas exclusivas a exposições públicas, meus quadros foram expostos e admirados por entusiastas de arte de todo o mundo. Foi uma experiência única poder conectar-me com tantas pessoas e compartilhar minha paixão pela arte em uma escala tão grandiosa.
Lights 2018-2019
Exhibition at the Shore Club Hotel , Miami Beach
Lights 2018-2019
Exhibition at the Shore Club Hotel , Miami Beach
Lights 2018-2019
Exhibition at the Shore Club Hotel , Miami Beach
Local Art Club - Art Basel 2019 Edition
Exhibition at the Novotel Hotel , Miami
Local Art Club - Art Basel 2019 Edition
Exhibition at the Novotel Hotel , Miami
Local Art Club - Art Basel 2019 Edition
Exhibition at the Novotel Hotel , Miami
Art Week - Art Basel 2019 Edition
Trump Tower Hotel , Miami Beach
Art Week - Art Basel 2019 Edition
Trump Tower Hotel , Miami Beach
Art Week - Art Basel 2019 Edition
Trump Tower Hotel , Miami Beach
Showcasing the beauty of my art in various galleries and decorated spaces, the Showroom section features a curated selection of my paintings. From vibrant abstracts to serene landscapes, each piece is carefully crafted with a passion for art and a love for beauty. With my unique style and attention to detail, I aim to create an emotional connection between the viewer and the artwork, inviting them to experience the magic of my world. Explore the Showroom and discover the perfect piece to adorn your space.
Apresentando a beleza da minha arte em várias galerias e espaços decorados, a seção Showroom apresenta uma seleção cuidadosamente selecionada dos meus quadros. Desde abstratos vibrantes até paisagens serenas, cada peça é cuidadosamente criada com paixão pela arte e amor pela beleza. Com meu estilo único e atenção aos detalhes, pretendo criar uma conexão emocional entre o espectador e a obra de arte, convidando-o a experimentar a magia do meu mundo. Explore o Showroom e descubra a peça perfeita para adornar o seu espaço.
Brazil 2017
Introducing a collection of murals created by Carlos Figueiredo SCARFIG, featuring original designs inspired by his experiences in Brazil. These vibrant and dynamic murals showcase Figueiredo's unique style and his ability to transform public spaces into colorful and inspiring works of art. Each mural is a testament to the artist's passion for creating art that is both beautiful and meaningful, bringing together elements of Brazilian culture and contemporary design to create a truly unique and unforgettable experience.
Apresentando a sessão de murais criados por mim com designs originais inspirados nas criações brasileiras. Cada mural é uma homenagem à rica cultura brasileira, trazendo elementos icônicos como a natureza exuberante, a música vibrante, o folclore colorido e as expressões artísticas únicas do país. Cada detalhe é cuidadosamente pensado para capturar a essência e a beleza do Brasil, trazendo uma mistura de tradição e modernidade em cada design. Os murais são uma celebração do amor de Carlos Figueiredo SCARFIG pelo seu país de origem e pela arte, e um convite para todos apreciarem a riqueza cultural brasileira através da sua perspectiva única.
Murals - Collective Project
Corredor das artes da orla do rio ParanapanemaBrazil 2017
Introducing a project developed, created, and managed by SCARFIG, aimed at bringing together a diverse group of talented artists from Sao Paulo and Piraju to breathe new life into the walls adjacent to the Paranapanema River in Piraju, SP.
The main goal of this project was to create an Arts corridor on the edge of the river, showcasing the creativity and vision of over 13 artists who came together to transform the space into a vibrant and colorful hub of culture and community.
With a length of more than 980 ft, the Arts corridor is home to an array of stunning paintings, crafts, and historical artifacts, all created with a shared passion for art and the desire to make a positive impact on the local community.
From thought-provoking protests to playful and whimsical designs, the Arts corridor is a testament to the power of art in bringing people together and creating meaningful change. And with the support of generous sponsors, this project is not just a celebration of creativity but also a testament to the power of community and collaboration.
Don't miss your chance to experience the beauty and energy of this Arts corridor. Come visit and immerse yourself in a world of color, creativity, and inspiration.
Este projeto foi desenvolvido, criado e gerenciado por SCARFIG. A ideia deste projeto era reunir diferentes artistas de São Paulo e Piraju para renovar o muro do rio Paranapanema em Piraju, SP. Mais de 13 artistas e patrocinadores se uniram para criar o corredor de artes na beira do rio Paranapanema. O corredor, com mais de 980 pés de comprimento, possui belas pinturas, artesanatos, história, protestos e muita cor.
Hands Project
Introducing the Hands Project, a gallery of photographs capturing the artistic process of Carlos Figueiredo SCARFIG. Through the lens of his camera, Figueiredo explores the relationship between the hands and the creation of his art, capturing the movement and energy that brings each piece to life.
The Hands Project showcases the intimate connection between the artist and his work, revealing the unique process that transforms a blank canvas into a masterpiece. Through these photos, viewers are transported into the creative mind of Figueiredo, experiencing the intricate details and dynamic lines that make each piece so compelling.
From the hands that hold the paintbrush to those that sculpt and shape the clay, the Hands Project offers a glimpse into the passion and dedication that fuels Figueiredo's art. Each photograph tells a story of the artistic process, revealing the intricate dance between the artist and his medium.
With the Hands Project, Figueiredo invites viewers to experience the journey of art-making through a new perspective, highlighting the beauty of the creative process and the importance of the hands that bring it to life.
Apresentando o projeto Mãos, uma galeria de fotografias que captura o processo artístico de Carlos Figueiredo SCARFIG. Através da lente de sua câmera, Figueiredo explora a relação entre as mãos e a criação de sua arte, capturando o movimento e a energia que dão vida a cada obra.
O projeto Mãos mostra a conexão íntima entre o artista e sua obra, revelando o processo único que transforma uma tela em branco em uma obra-prima. Através dessas fotos, o espectador é transportado para a mente criativa de Figueiredo, experimentando os detalhes intricados e as linhas dinâmicas que tornam cada obra tão fascinante.
Das mãos que seguram o pincel às que esculpem e moldam a argila, o projeto Mãos oferece um vislumbre da paixão e dedicação que impulsiona a arte de Figueiredo. Cada fotografia conta uma história do processo artístico, revelando a dança intricada entre o artista e seu meio.
Com o projeto Mãos, Figueiredo convida o espectador a experimentar a jornada da criação artística através de uma nova perspectiva, destacando a beleza do processo criativo e a importância das mãos que o trazem à vida.
Welcome to my Miami-inspired photography collection, where I capture the beauty and elegance of modern architecture through my lens.
As an artist and lover of design, I have always been drawn to the lines and shapes of modern buildings. And Miami, with its mix of sleek skyscrapers and colorful art deco structures, is the perfect playground for my artistic vision.
My photography is not just about capturing the physical presence of these buildings, but also about conveying the emotions and energy they bring to the city. Each photo in this collection is a testament to my passion for design and my love for Miami.
From the towering skyscrapers that pierce the skyline to the playful art installations that adorn the city streets, I strive to capture every detail and nuance of these magnificent structures. My goal is to inspire viewers to see Miami in a new light, to appreciate the beauty and complexity of its architecture, and to understand the ways in which modern buildings can shape and define a city.
So if you're a lover of modern design, or just appreciate beautiful and thought-provoking photography, I invite you to explore my Miami-inspired collection. Let my lens take you on a journey through the city, and discover the hidden gems and inspiring designs that make Miami such a special place.
Olá! Eu tenho uma sessão no meu site dedicada a fotografias de prédios em Miami, inspirados no meu trabalho. Gostaria de apresentar esse projeto para vocês!
Observar a arquitetura moderna é uma das minhas paixões e, em Miami, encontrei muitos prédios que me inspiraram em meu trabalho como artista. Em minhas fotos, busco destacar as linhas e designs dessas construções impressionantes, mostrando como a arquitetura pode ser uma verdadeira obra de arte.
Cada prédio tem uma história e uma personalidade única, que tento transmitir através das minhas fotografias. Desde prédios com formas geométricas e futuristas até edifícios com curvas suaves e orgânicas, todos eles são uma fonte de inspiração para mim.
Espero que ao ver minhas fotografias, você possa apreciar a beleza da arquitetura moderna em Miami e como ela pode ser uma fonte de inspiração para a arte. Aproveite a visita!
"Experience the World through the Eyes of Carlos Figueiredo SCARFIG: Elevate Your Space with Captivating Artwork!"
Join us on a journey of discovery with Carlos Figueiredo SCARFIG, a self-taught artist who brings a unique perspective to his captivating artwork. Born in the countryside of São Paulo and now a Miami resident, Carlos' floating roots allow him to wander in search of environments that add to his art.
Using mixed techniques, op-style works, art, and minimalism, Carlos creates pieces that invite viewers to reflect deeply and experience a range of emotions. His latest works showcase an attention to detail and use of geometry and symbolism, resulting in a minimalist style with layers of meaning.
From poet to graffiti artist, sculptor to photographer, actor to designer, Carlos is a true master of his craft. His passion for traveling and experiencing new cultures around the world inspires his work, resulting in unique experiences full of textures, dimensions, colors, and details.
Don't miss out on the opportunity to elevate your space with Carlos Figueiredo SCARFIG's stunning artwork. Add a touch of artistry and wonder to your life with pieces that challenge the viewer to feel each of the places portrayed through his work. With Lights 2018-2019, a collection dedicated to the cities of Miami and Miami Beach, you can bring the beauty of these iconic locations into your home.
Experience the world through the eyes of Carlos Figueiredo SCARFIG and transform your space with captivating artwork that will leave you feel
ing inspired and energized.
Welcome to my Frenchie Bulldog universe, a collection of unique and exclusive NFTs created to celebrate one of the most beloved dog breeds in the world. This series is a tribute to Frenchie Bulldogs and all that makes them so special. Each NFT in this collection is a work of art that reflects my style and vision of these captivating pets. From playful puppies to serene adult dogs, each NFT captures the essence of Frenchie Bulldogs in its own way. These NFTs are not just cute and whimsical images, they are also valuable assets that cannot be replicated or duplicated. As the owner of one of these NFTs, you will have a piece of my art that is truly yours, forever. Don't miss your chance to own one of these amazing and unique digital artworks. Browse the collection today and find the perfect piece to add to your digital portfolio, whether you're a Frenchie Bulldog fan or simply appreciate beautiful and exclusive digital art.
News & Events
December 14, 2021Carlos Figueiredo "SCARFIG"VIsual Artist & Digital Marketing Entrepreneur www.instagram...Miami is a vibrant and culturally rich city, known for its art, architecture, and beautiful...Modern art is a fascinating genre that is constantly evolving and pushing the boundaries of...Are you looking to elevate your Miami home decor to the next level? Look no further than the art...April 28, 2023Are you looking for a unique and eye-catching way to spruce up your home decor in Miami? Consider...April 22, 2023Are you looking to add a touch of sophistication and modernity to your Miami home decor? Look no...April 15, 2023Are you looking to add a touch of sophistication and style to your Miami home or office interiors...Geometric abstraction is a style of art that uses simple shapes and colors to create complex and...More Posts- Contact UsDon't be afraid to reach out. You + us = awesome.